The trick to
jump-starting the economy might lie in creating demand for basic goods, besides
increasing liquidity and other revival measures
IN THE movie Batman & Robin, arch-villain Freeze gate-crashes into an antiquities exhibition and announces: “In this universe, there is only one absolute. Everything…freezes.” Credit markets across the world have frozen over, and though there’s no nasty piece of work yet (at least not on the scale of Freeze), there are no early signs of thawing. Spring may still be far away, but attempts by regulators and governments from across the world to end the economic chill don’t seem to be working. In India too, the government and the central bank, Reserve Bank of India, seem to be working hard to loosen winter’s cold grip over the Indian economy, but with little success.
But, even
that did not help hydrate the financial system. When banks were swamped with
liquidity, they took the cash and dumped it with the RBI for a 6% return, even
when lending it to prime borrowers might have fetched better returns. The
central bank even cut its benchmark repo rate by 150 basis points (bps) to 7.5%
on October 19 in an attempt to get some of that money moving out of the bank
vaults. Still no go.
recently turned up the thermostat once more, this time to prod banks to start
lending at reduced interest rates. It cut its benchmark repo and reverse rate by
100 bps. But, again, there’s hardly any movement. The banks are
still carting their surplus cash over to the RBI and dumping it there for
safe-keeping, for even as a low a return as 5%. Take a look at the money being
tipped over at the RBI window.
For the
first five days of the month, till the RBI cut the rates, banks plonked Rs
243,310 crore with the Reserve Bank, for a return of only 6%. Then on December 6
— a Saturday — it cut rates again. Over the next three working days, banks again
deposited Rs 84,635 crore with the central bank, for a return of just 5%. The
total — for just eight days — works out to over Rs 327,000 crore! In fact, the
RBI was forced to comment, while announcing the new rate cuts, that the
liquidity adjustment facility operated by the central bank, “has largely been in
an absorption mode.”
In effect,
this means banks are still wary of lending to corporates, despite the sea of
liquidity and rate cuts unleashed by the central bank. This also then conveys
how banks are still uncertain about the future and that they are doubtful about
the ability of their corporate clients to pay up in time. In
short, the vital glue of financial system — trust — seems to be missing and the
authorities designing the various economic packages are unable to supply it in
sufficient quantities.
Here's an
example — a public sector unit was able to issue five-year bonds to banks with a
coupon of 9.33%. Around the same time, one of the Top five India Inc companies
also borrowed three-year money, but at 10.10%. Clearly, banks are willing to take
a risk on the government, even if it is a subsumed sovereign guarantee, but not
on even AAA-rated private companies. Banks have not forgotten the nightmares of
the early 1990s, when bank NPAs ruled around 10-14%. This time, despite the
prodding from the government and the central bank, they are unwilling to stick
their necks out. The RBI has allowed banks to restructure loans — a euphemism
for looking the other way when a loan turns bad — that might in ordinary times
have been called for stricter treatment. But, the banks are still not biting.
problem also seems to be in the system’s liquidity absorption capacity. Whatever
steps the government takes at the moment — such as, providing cheap cash to
corporates through a variety of refinance windows — not only are banks reluctant
to lend, even corporates are loath to load up their balance sheets with fresh
debt. Many of them are drawing down their existing credit lines with banks —
emboldened somewhat by the new restructuring space — to finish existing projects
but are unwilling to bet on new projects. With aggregate demand having fallen,
India Inc is also contending with reduced topline and bottom line projections.
In such a scenario, they may not be in a mood to pile up additional debt.
economists say that the production orientation of the economy has changed in
favour of expensive consumer products, a sector that might be slow off the
blocks in reviving. In such a situation, reviving demand for wage goods might
just do the trick. Even this hypothesis needs to be tested. The occasion might
present itself soon — with experts forecasting a better-than-average winter
crop, the government should facilitate hassle-free movement of the harvest to
the markets and consumables to centres where the ensuing agricultural income can
be spent. This may sound simplistic, but sorting the physical, infrastructural
infirmities could be one of the first achievable steps on the long road to
Published as an Op-Ed in The Economic Times (December 15, 2008)