Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on June 6, announced a long list of projects that, when completed, can be expected to rejuvenate the economy's mojo. The markets -- already enthused by Reserve Bank deputy governor Subir Gokarn’s statement on rate cuts -- took heart from PM’s statements. In an economy devoid of any feel-good news and wracked by a steady stream of depressing developments (low GDP growth, a resurgent inflation rate, depreciating rupee, corruption, policy inaction), these two events were welcomed quite like the delayed monsoon clouds.
But it is primarily the PM’s statement that provides some hope to many beleaguered market operators. In short, the PM has proposed investments of over Rs 100,000 crore in various infrastructure projects across various sectors – such as, roads, power generation, coal, ports, aviation and railways. Read the full press release here and here.
The plan sounds grand and has all the right ingredients to lift the economy out of its current slough.
But -- and sorry to sound like a wet blanket -- market operators seem to be in for a big disappointment. What’s wrong with what has been announced? Technically, nothing. The economy needs large doses of investment at this juncture to pull it out of the morass and the recent declaration seems to fit the bill. But, such announcements have been made even in the past. Like earlier occasions, this time too, the government has trotted out only a large string of impressive numbers, but has failed to mention a couple of crucial facts.
Point One: Who, in the name of blazing heavens, has this kind of money today to invest in infrastructure projects? The government is already highly leveraged and is liable to get tripped by the market if it tries to borrow over and above its budgeted expenditure. The only way it can free up some cash is by cutting down on some items of non-plan expenditure, such as wasteful subsidies. But, as everybody knows, that is still a long shot. Even the private sector is hamstrung, with profits falling for FY12 and the continuing slowdown spooking all investment plans.
The only option left is overseas funding. But, the government needs to use the broom vigorously to clean up multiple acts before a single cent rolls in. For instance, there needs to be a serious rethink on external debt ceilings if the private sector is expected to pitch in with funds and expertise. Second, the government might need to use innovative structures to fund such projects without impacting the overall deficit numbers. (One can read ICICI Bank chairman K V Kamath’s interview for some ideas).
Point Two: Time to repeat the point that was made earlier. Such announcements have been often made in the past but without any follow-up on the achievements. In this case too, there seems to be no clues on how the government proposes to achieve these targets.
There are numerous reasons for the proverbial slip. For one, ministers handling the infrastructure portfolios are not schoolchildren in thrall to the headmaster or employees beholden to an autocratic boss. So, it really doesn’t matter whether they perform or not. These ministers are where they are because of other reasons. They have been elected to power and are holding a particular economic portfolio at the behest of the party chief and not the PM. Or, they are in the cabinet because they are part of the ruling coalition and helped UPA-II to stay on in power. Look at the empirical stuff: barring the ones facing criminal proceedings, not a single minister has been penalised for poor performance. Some have been merely shuffled off from one “lucrative” ministry to another.
Also, as has been seen on numerous occasions in the past, large projects are usually dogged by several problems: clearances, approvals, financial closure, regulatory hurdles. Add to that another malaise affecting most projects in India: the pay-off syndrome. Most large projects in India need to make pay-offs at multiple levels – at the central level, at the state and at the local municipality level. This adds to costs and, in many cases, renders the projects unviable. Inability to pay at any one level can delay the project irretrievably.
Do we have any word from the PM on how he’s going to block these malpractices? Nope. Any clues on how he proposes to give that all-important push to the projects? An investment tracking system has been set up (read here). Will that be that enough? As the cliché goes, only time will tell.
So, finally, how do we approach such announcements? I’d say hold the celebrations.
But it is primarily the PM’s statement that provides some hope to many beleaguered market operators. In short, the PM has proposed investments of over Rs 100,000 crore in various infrastructure projects across various sectors – such as, roads, power generation, coal, ports, aviation and railways. Read the full press release here and here.
The plan sounds grand and has all the right ingredients to lift the economy out of its current slough.
But -- and sorry to sound like a wet blanket -- market operators seem to be in for a big disappointment. What’s wrong with what has been announced? Technically, nothing. The economy needs large doses of investment at this juncture to pull it out of the morass and the recent declaration seems to fit the bill. But, such announcements have been made even in the past. Like earlier occasions, this time too, the government has trotted out only a large string of impressive numbers, but has failed to mention a couple of crucial facts.
Point One: Who, in the name of blazing heavens, has this kind of money today to invest in infrastructure projects? The government is already highly leveraged and is liable to get tripped by the market if it tries to borrow over and above its budgeted expenditure. The only way it can free up some cash is by cutting down on some items of non-plan expenditure, such as wasteful subsidies. But, as everybody knows, that is still a long shot. Even the private sector is hamstrung, with profits falling for FY12 and the continuing slowdown spooking all investment plans.
The only option left is overseas funding. But, the government needs to use the broom vigorously to clean up multiple acts before a single cent rolls in. For instance, there needs to be a serious rethink on external debt ceilings if the private sector is expected to pitch in with funds and expertise. Second, the government might need to use innovative structures to fund such projects without impacting the overall deficit numbers. (One can read ICICI Bank chairman K V Kamath’s interview for some ideas).
Point Two: Time to repeat the point that was made earlier. Such announcements have been often made in the past but without any follow-up on the achievements. In this case too, there seems to be no clues on how the government proposes to achieve these targets.
There are numerous reasons for the proverbial slip. For one, ministers handling the infrastructure portfolios are not schoolchildren in thrall to the headmaster or employees beholden to an autocratic boss. So, it really doesn’t matter whether they perform or not. These ministers are where they are because of other reasons. They have been elected to power and are holding a particular economic portfolio at the behest of the party chief and not the PM. Or, they are in the cabinet because they are part of the ruling coalition and helped UPA-II to stay on in power. Look at the empirical stuff: barring the ones facing criminal proceedings, not a single minister has been penalised for poor performance. Some have been merely shuffled off from one “lucrative” ministry to another.
Also, as has been seen on numerous occasions in the past, large projects are usually dogged by several problems: clearances, approvals, financial closure, regulatory hurdles. Add to that another malaise affecting most projects in India: the pay-off syndrome. Most large projects in India need to make pay-offs at multiple levels – at the central level, at the state and at the local municipality level. This adds to costs and, in many cases, renders the projects unviable. Inability to pay at any one level can delay the project irretrievably.
Do we have any word from the PM on how he’s going to block these malpractices? Nope. Any clues on how he proposes to give that all-important push to the projects? An investment tracking system has been set up (read here). Will that be that enough? As the cliché goes, only time will tell.
So, finally, how do we approach such announcements? I’d say hold the celebrations.